Am I the only only person who gets so involved with things that they're actually surprised when they look up and it's dark?
It has happened to me numerous times, in many places for many, many, many different reasons.
Ok, so reading may be involved most of the time, but sometimes it's a book, sometimes it's the laptop.
I have actually been so engrossed in a book that I nearly jumped out of my skin when my mum turned on the light behind the couch I was reading on.
In all honesty, she was surprised I could still make out the words.
So was I when I realised that the room was so very, very dark before she turned on the light.
One of those moments where you don't realise the exact situation until it changes.
Tonight, I was sitting at my kitchen table, going through the photos on my new camera (I am obsessed with it, and so very very in love), that I was honestly surprised when I looked up and realised my house was nearly pitch black.
My camera: A Nikon 3300. Would love another lens to go with it. |
When I noticed the time was 8.45pm, I figured it was supposed to be dark.
Especially when all my blinds were shut to keep the heat out.
33 degrees C at 5.30 pm!!!
But the days are getting shorter as we churn through the last month of summer and head towards autumn. (For those of you who don't know, the Aussie seasons change at the start of the month, rather than with the equinoxes like in most places. Something to do with when the English settled here and realised that it was nearing 40 degrees and it hadn't even hit the official summer yet)
And autumn brings weddings (2), and birthdays (Dad's next month, mine and mum's in May), and warm clothes, and leaves changing colours, and cooler temperatures which mean I can sleep through the night.
I was going through my photos, and the photography book my mum bought me for Christmas, and realised that, while I'm not amazing behind the camera, I'm not as terrible as I thought I might be.
And I'm trying out the 'homework' in each chapter of the book, just trying to find something new to photograph, or something old to take photo's of in a new way.
Nat and I spent a day at Newcastle Beach a few weeks ago and we had an absolute blast. We didn't get in the water because it was more a spur of the moment decision and neither of us were wearing anything remotely resembling swimmers.
Have you seen a sky as blue as this? I've been to lots of places, including through the Asian Pacific and I am still amazed at the blue of our summer sky's. We were very adult like and bought an umbrella to go with our picnic blanket, and we even bought our own picnic! Very adult like. We smothered ourselves in sunscreen, laid in the shade (we still laid in the sun and got a bit of a tan), we snacked on the food we bought ourselves rather than go looking for food at the beach (although the fish and chip shop smelled AMAZING!!!), and we chatted about anything and everything. I love days like that.
The lily's I bought myself. Who says someone needs to buy them for you? Buy them for yourself I say!
How gorgeous is my grandmother's dog?! She's beautiful, in look and in temperament. She's a Maltese Shitzu cross. And she's happy to entertain herself, wandering Gran's massive backyard, or playing with the insane amount of toys she has (she doesn't do squeaky things though). Although she is very much a people dog who loves cuddles, and belly rubs.
The massive gum tree my sister, cousins and I used to climb as kids. Keep in mind that's a 6 foot fence behind it, just to give you an idea of how big it is.
The mountains that are behind my grandmother's house. There's only one or two streets between her house and the base of the mountain. And see? Massive gum tree. That's the top of the shed roof you can see, and that's not even the top of the tree. And the base of the shed sits higher than the base of the tree because the shed is on a slight hill.
My old housemates puppy Rosie. She's a Golden Labrador, and so beautiful. These were taken the Tuesday after she came home (Megan picked her up on the Sunday). She was content to roam the backyard, and snooze with her toys, but she liked being around people (me that day as I was the only one home). However, she liked to bite.
I am so in love with my camera.
Now I just need to use it more and take more photos with it :D