In honour of my birthday I have decided to jump on the bandwagon and present
a few things I have learned over the years.
28 things in fact, as I am now 28!
1) TRAVEL!!!
It really doesn't matter whether you explore your state, country, region or the world,
just get out and travel. It broadens your horizons, opens you up to things you would never expect,
you get to meet new people, try new things, stand on your own two feet,
even reinvent yourself if that's what you wish.
It doesn't matter where you go,
or for how long,
or why.
Travel because you want to with a tour group,
travel on your own with a map,
travel on exchange with your school or uni,
Go for a weekend,
or a week,
or a month,
or a year
Go on your own,
with a partner,
with family
or friends.
Just get out there and see what you can.
2) You get what you pay for.
Mostly. How many times have you bought a cheap pair of jeans, or shoes, or underwear,
maybe cheap makeup or hair products?
How many times have you broke them, worn them out, thrown them out
because they don't live up to your expectations?
I always did, but I have since come to the realisation that,
more times than not,
you get what you pay for
I now have no issue shelling out for a decent pair of shoes
(boots and heels are a weakness)
because I'm going to wear them into the ground,
and your feet are the building blocks of your body
I have a skincare routine that costs a small fortune,
but the bottles and tubes last a lot longer than the cheaper stuff,
and I don't have to use as much
(not that all cheaper skin care is bad, because it's not)
And I have found that the more expensive make up
lasts a lot longer than cheaper stuff,
doesn't wear off,
doesn't make my skin break out,
and I don't need as much.
3) Always remove you makeup before bed.
It took me ages to get into the routine of this,
especially after a night out
but invest in make up wipes, and it's easy to remove your make up
(like brushing your teeth)
even through the beet goggles
(and you don't wake up looking like a clown,
or with one on your pillow)
4) Take time out of your day to stop and just be...
Take some time out.
Go for a walk, read a book, meditate, do yoga
Do something FOR YOU!
How many times do we get to the end of the day,
look back at it,
and it's full of work, shopping,
looking after family, and friends?
You will feel better if you take
even 30 mins a day for you!
It doesn't matter if it's a New York best seller,
if it's horror or romance,
If it's teen or a classic
Read anything you can get your hands on.
You'll be amazed at what you find interesting,
and what you don't
6) Be Prepared, but be prepared to change
One thing travel teaches you,
is that even the best made plans go awry,
Planes get delayed, or cancelled,
or you miss a connecting flight,
your luggage gets lost or damaged,
your hotel has double booked your room,
or booked the wrong dates.
But, when this happens,
you have to improvise, and change your plans
It's important to prepare for what you can,
but at the same time,
you need to be flexible,
and prepared to do something different.
Curve balls pop up all the time,
having plans, contingency plans,
and going with the flow,
will help you deal with them.
7) Find a hairdresser, dentist, doctor, beautician that gets you
These people will become people you
need to be honest with,
and they need to be people you can trust
I'm sure we've all walked out of the hairdressers,
or the beauticians,
with something we haven't liked,
or annoyed because they wouldn't listen
When you find one you like,
hold on and don't let go!
8) Don't waste your weekends!
Or days off, depending on your work schedule
I love a sleep in as much as the next person.
(especially after working 5am starts)
(especially after working 5am starts)
but there's something really rewarding about having been productive on my days off
whether that's getting all the chores out of the way
or meal prepping for the week
It helps make the work days easier too
9) Appreciate your Friends
Sounds simple, but it's true
It doesn't matter how long you've been friends for,
just how solid your friendships are
I have friends I've known for over a decade,
and friends I've know for only a few years or less,
They are all important to me,
and I make sure to let them know.
The older you get, the smaller your friendship circles become,
but the more important your friendships are.
10) Focus on your health
Physical, mental, and spiritual
And do it for the right reasons.
Doing it to look good, or for summer,
to fit into a bikini, or because all your friends are doing it,
is only going to lead to more weight gain,
and going around in circles.
Focus on you, and your overall health,
not a dress size
11) Learn what clothes suit your body type,
but throw out the other rules.
If you want to wear blue and green,
or polka dots with stripes,
go right ahead,
But some people just can't wear certain items of clothing.
If you can spare the money, hire a stylist.
Most shopping centers these days have one
you can book a session for a few hours
to help you work out what looks good.
12) Trust your body
Some days you can run a 5km easily.
other days you just feel like a yoga session,
today you might feel like light foods like soups and salads,
other days you eat like a horse, and who cares about the calories.
Trust your body to know what it's doing.
The more you listen to it,
the better you'll feel.
It will all balance out.
See a doctor if you feel anything is seriously wrong,
but otherwise, trust your body.
It knows what it's doing
13) Find exercise you actually like
Doesn't matter if everyone you know lives yoga,
but you prefer pole dancing,
or if you love to box,
but everyone else likes to swim,
Find something you love, and it won't be a chore anymore,
it'll be something you look forward to.
14) Start Saving
My mum told me to save at least 10% of my pay every payday,
right from the first day I started working.
It's something I still continue to do to this day.
Whether it's saving for a holiday,
or savings in case something happens,
save a certain amount each paycheck.
I have accounts my pay is automatically split between,
that way I can't spend it as soon as I get it.
15) Keep your spaces clean
As I've gotten older,
I've discovered the joy that is clean spaces.
Whether it's the kitchen with the washing up done,
the benches wiped down, and counters clear,
or a study space free of clutter,
my brain thinks so much clearer,
and easier when there's less mess.
16) Spend time with your parents and grandparents
They're getting older, the same way you are,
They won't be around forever,
so spend time with them while you can.
Listen to their stories, and their wisdom,
you'll be amazed at what you learn,
and what you discover.
17) You don't have to do things just because others do
You don't have to like the same things your friends do,
you don't have to go places because someone else is,
you don't need to do or be or say things because that's what your family expects.
You are your own person,
you can do your own things.
18) Spend time alone
Take some time to decompress,
Take a time out from people,
and reconnect with you.
Take some time,
regularly if you can.
and unplug from the world.
Turn your phone off,
stay away from the computer,
and the internet,
and the TV
Step away from the hustle and bustle,
the constant need for attention,
and approval.
Step away from looking at Instagram,
and Facebook,
at what everyone else is doing.
you'll be happier when you get back to the world.
19) Go with your gut,
Use your head,
but always let your instincts guide you.
My best memories come from times I've let my gut rule my head.
Your head is concerned with what ifs,
and maybes,
and laters.
Your instincts are concerned with now,
why nots,
and who cares.
Use your head,
but don't let it overrule your instincts.
20) Don't compare
Comparison is the thief of joy,
and it's something I've learned personally.
Stop comparing your life,
with what you see of everyone elses
through Facebook and Instagram.
You're living your life,
you're seeing the highlights of everyone else's.
Don't compare your bad days,
with everyone else's best days.
21) Learn from Children
Take time everyday
to laugh, and play
It's good for the soul.
22) It's ok to want to like your job
We all want to be employed in a job that we love,
that we enjoy,
that we don't dread going to every day.
We might not say it,
but we do.
No one wants to work in a job that makes them miserable
23) But it's ok to want a better one
Like the above, unless you are employed in your dream job,
almost everyone wants to work in a better job.
Whether it's more money,
a different location,
a different industry,
or just a promotion,
lots of people want a better job.
Don't me ashamed for wanting that too.
24) Don't wait for a special occassion
How many times have you looked at something,
an outfit, jewellery,
shoes, underwear,
and thought, 'It's nice, but I have nowhere to wear it,'
How many times have you looked at your silk sheets and deemed them too nice to use,
or the candle too nice to burn.
Every day is a special day.
You're alive,
you're with family,
or friends,
you've had a great day,
or a terrible one,
You were sacked,
or promoted
You were asked out on a date,
or you're having dinner by yourself,
You feel bad about yourself,
or you just feel exceptionally good on a particular day.
All these are great reasons to wear the special jewellery,
or to burn that beautiful smelling candle,
or wear that sexy underwear.
You're alive,
That's reason enough.
25) Don't take no for an answer
26) Breathe
Everything looks easier when you've taken a few deep breaths.
It calms you down and helps you think.
Take a few deep breaths now,
see how you feel.
27) Just because you aren't where you thought you would be,
doesn't mean you aren't where you are supposed to be
One thing with working with people a lot younger than me,
is the way I can see just how much I've changed from the 17 year old I was.
I remember being 17,
I was graduating high school,
starting university,
my whole life ahead of me.
I had these big plans laid out.
of what my life would look like at 25,
and 30,
and 28.
28 seemed so far off.
I was going to be married,
own a house,
be working in a law firm,
be pregnant, or at least trying.
My life was going to be perfect.
Flash forward to now.
I'm single,
renting a place (on my own),
working in retail as a means to an end,
Not exactly the picture I thought it would be,
at 17, I never imagined I'd have lived in the States and Canada,
worked in a ski resort in California,
that I would be filling out applications to live and work in England
I never dreamed of the friends I've met,
or that I'd lose the ones I've lost.
Or the experiences I've had,
the things I've seen,
and done,
the people I've met.
I'm not where I thought I'd be,
but I think I'm in a better place anyway.
28) Be Happy
That's the most important one.
Regardless of what life throws at you,
what happens or doesn't,
what you, or other people expect of you,
what you want,
or don't,
make sure you're happy.
Do what you want,
and don't let people's opinion deter you.
You can't make everyone happy,
just make sure you make you happy.
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